Course curriculum

    1. Welcome

    1. Actions to Take Before Helping

    2. Removing Gloves Properly

    1. Checking on an Injured or Ill Person

    1. Drug Emergencies: Opioids

    1. CPR, AED, and Obstructed Airway Part 1

    2. Adult and Child CPR

    3. CPR, AED, Choking Part 2

    4. Infant CPR

    5. CPR, Choking, AED Part 3

    6. Chest Compressions

    7. CPR, Choking, AED Part 4

    8. Back Blows

    9. CPR, Choking, AED Part 5

    10. Abdominal Thrusts

    11. CPR, Choking, AED Part 6

    12. Infant Choking

    13. CPR, Choking, AED Part 7

    1. Modules Completed

About this course

  • $85.00
  • 20 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

Begin the Certification Process

CPR and AED Training Course. Online Classroom Training and In-Person Skills Assessment